Submission Guidelines

1. Works that fall into the following categories will be considered for publication: theoretical study articles, empirical research, literature reviews, essays, experience reports, technical articles, testimonials, interviews and reviews.

2. Works must be submitted to the following address:

3. The texts of the articles (articles on theoretical studies, empirical research, literature reviews, essays, experience reports and technical articles) must be between 20,000 and 35,000 characters long (with spaces), not counting the summary, abstract, resumen and references. The texts of testimonials or interviews must have a maximum of 15,000 characters (with spaces). Review texts must have a maximum of 10,000 characters.

4. Manuscripts must be written, preferably, in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

5. Each article may have a maximum of three authors, at least one with a doctorate or master's degree, except reviews that can be submitted by master's and doctoral students. A number greater than 3 authors must present justification to be assessed by the Editors. Testimonials and Interviews will have a maximum of 2 authors, in addition to the interviewee. Reviews must have only one author.

6. Articles must contain: title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish (summary, keywords, abstract, keywords, resumen, keywords), introduction, conclusion/final considerations and references. The magazine provides a Template with regulatory requirements. Documents that do not comply with the Template will not be accepted. To access it, simply click on the following link and download: Template RSI.

7. The text must be typed in the Microsoft Word editor, Century Schoolbook font, size 12, 1.5 spacing. It must be formatted in A4 and the text margins must be: bottom, top, right and left of 2.5 cm.

8. The name(s) of the author(s) must NOT be placed in the file sent in the submission. They must be included, complete and in full, through the metadata forms, carefully filling out all the requested information: indicate full email for disclosure in the article; inform academic and professional credits in the Biography field (title – include all from most recent to oldest, institutional affiliation, professional role at the institution of origin, city, state and country); Lattes Curriculum link in the URL item; ORCID ID link of the aforementioned author in the ORCID item. Note: if the metadata is incomplete, the article will be rejected and a new submission must be made.

9. The abstract (resumo and resumen), not exceeding 250 words, must contain succinct information about the article. Three to five keywords should be added to the end of both the resumo and the resumen.

10. Texts must be written clearly and fluently. The use of footnotes must be for some explanatory information. The author must take care not to use references that could identify him in the evaluation process, such as “in my previous works, in my thesis, in my dissertation”, etc. If the work is accepted, this information may appear in the final version of the article.

11. Citations must follow ABNT standards (NBR 10520/2023).

12. Considering the theme of the magazine, the accessibility requirements of Figures, Graphs, Tables and Charts must be met, complying with Art. 8 and Art. 63 of the Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI), as disseminated by the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Special Education (ABPEE) through the Brazilian Congress of Special Education (CBEE), and reproduced below:

Accessibility for Tables and Charts:

  • Avoid tables and charts with more than five columns and ten rows.
  • It is not advisable to use merged rows or columns.
  • It is recommended that Tables and Charts be produced in the text editor itself (Word, for example), in text format and not in image format. If the author chooses the image format, it is mandatory to insert alternative text describing the image, according to the following guidelines:

Accessibility standards in figures, graphs, tables and charts

Description of images:

Describe the images, using the alternative text tool in your text editor:

Step 1: On the image, right-click and select “Edit Alt Text” or “Display Alt Text” or “Table Properties” and “Alt Text” (According to the year of your text editor, for example , Word, the path to insert the Alternative Text for the image may be different. For more information, access the “Accessibility Manual in Digital Documents”, starting on page 42, available via link: Livro - Manual de Acessibilidade em Documentos Digitais.pdf.

Step 2: On the right side, a text box will appear where you must type the Alternative Text that describes the image (Figure, Graph, Table or Chart).

Attention: The number of characters for this description will NOT be counted in the total characters allowed for article submissions.

To find out what information you should focus on when writing the Alternative Text, you can consult the following references (in portuguese):


13. To evaluate manuscripts, the following criteria will be observed: 1) relevance and scope of the topic; 2) innovative character, development and deepening of the theme; 3) theoretical and methodological structure of the work; 4) conclusion and contribution to the areas of RSI.

14. The author(s) must carry out a careful grammatical review of the text, before sending it to the RSI website, and the magazine is not responsible for reviewing the English language

15. After having the texts accepted for publication, authors must submit Authorization for publication and Declaration of responsibility and transfer of copyright;

16. The final version of the text, approved for publication, must undergo spelling and grammatical review by a qualified professional. To certify the revision, the Declaration of spelling and grammar revision must be sent together with the final version (complementary document) or to the email:

17. The author responsible for the submission, as long as he/she meets the editorial conditions, will volunteer to evaluate at least one manuscript for the journal, regardless of the result of the evaluation process of his/her submission;

18. When submitting articles to RSI, the author(s) agree to maintain the exclusivity and originality of the text, with their express authorization being required for publication in another vehicle.

19. References: At the end of the work, they must be aligned to the left and in alphabetical order by the author's last name (in capital letters), according to the NBR 6023/2018 standard, from ABNT, highlighted in bold. It is suggested that first names be written in full and not abbreviated. Here are some examples:


BOURDIEU, Pierre; DARBEL, Alain; SCHNAPPER, Dominique. O amor pela arte: os museus de arte na Europa e seu público. São Paulo: EDUSP; Zouk, 2016.

Book Chapter:

GRAFTON, Anthony. O leitor humanista. In: CHARTIER, Roger; CAVALLO, Guglielmo (Orgs.). História ida leitura no mundo ocidental. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1998, p. 5-46

Journal Article:

JULIA, Dominique. A cultura escolar como objeto histórico. Revista Brasileira de História da Educação, Maringá-PR, v.1, n.1, p. 9-43, jan./abr. 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 jan. 2002.


BRASIL. Lei nº 9.394 de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Brasília, 1996.

Note: Other references not exemplified here must comply with the ABNT standard (NBR 6023/2018).

19. Testimonials or Interviews: consist of a conversation between two or more people – the interviewer(s) and the interviewee(s) – which aims to obtain information for compose the text.

    • The interviewer and the interviewee will be considered authors of the text.
    • The interviews submitted may have as interviewees: researchers from RSI’s areas of interest; authors of widely circulated books published on IHR themes; editors of national or international scientific journals in RSI's areas of interest; professionals with recognized experience (local, regional, national or international) in RSI's areas of interest.
    • When submitting a statement or interview, consider the following: does it represent an advance in knowledge that deserves to be disseminated to society? contributes to the popularization of scientific knowledge? presents significant innovations? Can it have an impact on society or the performance of other professionals? In addition to the target audience, can the interview also be used by decision makers, researchers, students and the general public?
    • It must be accompanied, in the body of the text, by: Data about the interviewee(s) (brief text with data about the interviewee, containing information about the curriculum, including the institution to which they are affiliated, production summarized scientific, academic training and others to highlight the relevance of carrying out the interview); Lead (short text that provides the reader with basic information about the topic. The lead must contain information that answers the following questions: “What” and/or “Who?”, “When?”, “Where?”, “How ?”, and “Why?”.) and photo of the interviewee (s) (with good resolution and with prior authorization from the interviewee).
    • They must consist of 4 to 10 questions and the text must contain a maximum of 15,000 characters (with space), excluding data about the interviewee and the interviewer.
    • Submitted texts will be analyzed by the Editorial Team and, if necessary, by the members of the Editorial Committee. In case of changes to the original text, the revised version will be submitted for final approval by the author(s).

20.Reviews: to send reviews, the same criteria specified for articles must be followed, and can be submitted by master's and doctoral students, subject to the following changes:

    • Reviews of unpublished, classic, recent (up to 5 years of the first edition) or little published books will be accepted.
    • Files must be submitted with the extension “doc.”, “.docx.”.
    • The review must have a maximum of 10,000 characters.
    • The review must have a different title from the title of the book being reviewed.
    • The review must begin with a technical sheet of the book being reviewed, containing the necessary data (title, author, publisher, city, year, number of pages, ISBN, etc.). If possible, image of the book cover in good resolution.


Dossier Proposals:

Proposals sent to Revista Saber Including (RSI) will be previously analyzed by the Editorial Board, and must be submitted by a researcher responsible for organizing the issue. Firstly, you must send the proposal for the thematic dossier to the email:, including:

  1. Presentation with title, justification and relevance of the topic;
    • Summary of each article, with up to 250 words, which will make up the issue;
    • Each issue must consist of a minimum of six and a maximum of ten articles;
    • Abbreviated CV of the authors, presenting their titles and institutional affiliations.
  2. The proposal must express the theoretical-methodological diversity of the field; include different institutions and regions of the country (a maximum of two articles from the same institution are accepted), and necessarily include the participation of authors affiliated with Brazilian and international institutions.
    • At the discretion of the organizer(s), articles written in Portuguese, English and Spanish may be included in the proposal;
    • Articles that do not integrate a thematic proposal previously approved by the Editorial Board will not be accepted for publication;
    • Complete original texts will be submitted for prior consideration by the Editorial Board, following the same evaluation process as continuous flow articles;
    • After approval of the articles by the reviewers, publication in the RSI will take place after signing the Authorization for publication.
  3. Submission process:
    • A proposta previamente encaminhada à apreciação do Comitê Editorial, se aprovada, deverá ser submetida pelo(a) organizador/a em até 90 dias, contando a partir da data de comunicação de aprovação, no Sistema da RSI, que utiliza o Open Journal System.
    • Cada autor deverá se registrar no sistema e submeter o seu artigo para apreciação do Conselho Editorial, indicando no campo “Comentário do autor” o título da proposta do dossiê ao qual pertence. O acesso ao sistema de cadastro pode ser realizado a partir de: incluir link do site da revista.
    • A apresentação formal dos textos originais deverá seguir as Diretrizes para autores informadas no endereço: incluir link do site da revista.
  4. The proposal organizer is responsible for the following functions:
    • define the order of texts;
    • take care of the number of pages in the set and compliance with text presentation standards;
    • write the presentation;
    • supervise the submission work of invited authors;
    • monitor, if applicable, the process of reformulating articles with the authors;
    • comply with the delivery of revised texts within the stipulated deadline;
    • ensure that authors submit the Authorization for Publication and Declaration of Responsibility and Transfer of Copyright.