an experience in the Institutional Program of Scolarships to Introduce Teaching - PIBID
Deaf Education, Reading, Writing, Portuguese Language, LibrasAbstract
The insertion of deaf students into Brazilian schools is ensured by the Law 14. 191 from 2021, which includes bilingual education for deaf students to the LDB (Educational Directives and Bases Law). The educational venues, in this regard, majorly do not present adequate structures to receive deaf students; not only that, but developing the abilities to read and write in the Portuguese language is one of the main challenges that permeate classrooms; the institutional program of scolarships to introduce scientific research (PIBID) Portuguese/Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) of the Federal University of Pará/UFPA at Bragança's campus develops the research around the teaching of Portuguese as a second language to deaf students from public state schools in the city of Bragança, Pará. Its aims are to develop the students' reading, writing and textual interpretation skills. In order to do so, the theoretical referentials used were Ângelo and Menegassi (2022), Skliar (2013) and Quadros (2006), which point manners of teaching deaf students dynamically and interactively aided by pedagogical resources. The relevance of this study brings contributions to the inclusive education of the deaf students from Brazilian regular schools. The method utilised is a qualitative approach, implemented through a participative research. The results show that the when considering the production of written texts in the Portuguese language by deaf students, relevance should be given to its contents, which should also be allied to the student's linguistic knowledge, promoting social conscience, semantic conscience, coherence and logical sequencing. In this sense, the activities developed should establish the relationship between the two languages, in a critical visual-spacial approach.
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