Inclusive education, Intellectual disability, Reading comprehensionAbstract
This article presents the theme of easy reading as a cognitive accessibility resource for the inclusive education of students with intellectual disabilities. It is a qualitative, bibliographical and exploratory study that aims to produce knowledge about cognitive accessibility using the resource of easy reading. To this end, the study is based on the following question: how can we promote cognitive accessibility for students with intellectual disabilities and consequently contribute to their educational inclusion? In order to answer this question, the topic was discussed on the basis of the studies of the XIX Doctoral Chair, promoted in the first semester of 2023, by the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - UPN - Bogotá/Colombia, with the following theme: Diversity and Inclusion in Education. The results of this research show that in order to include students with intellectual disabilities, especially when it comes to reading comprehensively, it is necessary to use strategies that guarantee them cognitive accessibility. From this perspective, easy reading is a useful strategy.
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